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Informational Video Blogs
What is infrared imaging?All objects are constantly emitting infrared (thermal) radiation, which is invisible to the human eye. A thermal imaging camera views infrared radiation and uses it to calculate temperature. This calculation depends on the object's emissivity, distance from the camera, and surrounding environmental temperature. These factors are all addressed in ThermaCheck’s easy calibration steps.
Isn’t the human body temperature variable? What does a ThermaCheck camera measure?Different people will have different normal temperatures that vary throughout the day. A person’s temperature even depends on where it’s measured. For example, a “normal” oral temperature is 37°C (98.6°F). However, a forehead (temporal) temperature may be lower by 0.3-0.6°C (0.5-1°F) and an ear (tympanic) temperature higher by 0.3-0.6°C (0.5-1°F). For example, if your forehead temperature is 37.8°C (100°F), your oral temperature could be 38.3°C (101°F). ThermaCheck measures facial temperatures that are closest compared to forehead scanners. However, ThermaCheck is not a medical thermometer, and should only be used for initial screening.
Can ThermaCheck be used to diagnose an illness?No. The ThermaCheck camera is designed for preliminary temperature screening only. Although the available scientific literature supports the use of infrared cameras for this purpose [1], the skin temperature can be influenced by environmental conditions. Individuals with abnormal skin temperature readings should be further evaluated with a medical grade thermometer. Additionally, the body temperature alone cannot be used to diagnose any disease. [1] Ring, Francis J., and E. Y. K. Ng. “Infrared thermal imaging standards for human fever detection.” Medical Infrared Imaging: Principles and Practices. CRC press, 2007.
Where can the ThermaCheck camera be used?The ThermaCheck camera is designed for portable and fixed site installations. This makes it ideal for use in a wide variety of settings, from small stores, to large schools or manufacturing facilities.
Is ThermaCheck suitable for one camera or multi-camera installations?Both. Since ThermaCheck is connected to a local network, adding multiple cameras is easy! ThermaCheck’s standard software is for single camera installations, but a multi-camera software solution is also available. Additionally, a Software Development Kit (SDK) is available for professional integrators to incorporate ThermaCheck cameras into large commercial installations. SDKs are available for both Windows(™) and Linux(™) operating systems.
What is needed to use a ThermaCheck camera?All you need is a PC to run the ThermaCheck software for TC160 and TC320 cameras. Any PC running Windows 7 or later with an i5 or higher processor, and 4G or better of RAM will do the job. An accurate thermometer of the user's choice is needed for calibration steps.
Why doesn’t ThermaCheck need a blackbody?Some infrared cameras require a blackbody source in the background scene to insure stable temperature readings. ThermaCheck, uses a US manufactured infrared sensor core and advanced factory calibration procedures to optimize it for human body temperature measurements. Our camera performs periodic compensation routines that give ThermaCheck superior temperature stability and measurement accuracy. We recommend that our cameras be calibrated on the human face, using a medical grade thermometer for the reference temperature.
How should I set up the temperature screening area?To minimize environmental impact on the screening process, ThermaCheck should be used in an indoor, climate-controlled area away from thermal drafts and free from extraneous heat sources in the camera's field of view. Screening subjects should be 3.5-6.5 feet (1-2 m) in front of, and facing, the TC160 camera. Subjects can be 6.5-20 feet (2-6 m) in front of the TC320 camera.
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