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Substation Monitoring

Electric power utilities are suscep­tible to costly unplanned mainte­nance and rising costs. With aging infrastructure, electric utilities are having an increased risk of blackouts and brownouts. The effects of these blackouts and brownouts impact ev­erything around us.


Power utilities need to find proactive ways of improving the reliability of electric power de­livery and at the same time they need to reduce costs.

Many utility companies are now turning to permanently installed fixed mount thermal imaging cameras to guide their predictive and preventative maintenance programs. Using automated thermal imaging cameras paired with innovative soft­ware, early warning monitoring systems now can provide critical data before equipment failure.

Industry 24/7 Continuous Fixed Mount Thermal Imaging Monitoring benefits:

  1. Better decision making data

  2. Proactive approach to predictive maintenance

  3. Automated alarm condition monitoring

  4. Improved reliability

  5. Reduced maintenance costs

Planck Vision Systems thermal imaging cameras offer 24/7 monitoring to constant­ly gather and analyze data with software that identifies trends and anomalies. Fixed mount or pan/tilt drive cameras can survey large areas of a sub­station with crisp thermal images. Planck Vision Systems cameras will always be in the right place at the right time to eliminate the potential for costly unexpected substation failures.





Planck Vision Systems Family of Industrial Thermal Imaging Cameras


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